Honeybee Hive Rental

Help build a healthy pollinating population that will benefit your entire community.

Facing the challenge of disappearing habitat, pollinators — particularly honey bees — are in need of all the habitat they can find. Including your place. Partnering with Butterfly Pavilion brings full honey bee hives, complete with the bees, to life on your property. We’ll set them up and maintain them, and your workforce shares the bounty — both the honey and the community pride of having provided habitat for pollinators on your property.

Butterfly Pavilion will provide all necessary education, equipment, and maintenance, making this a seamless integration into your business.

We handle all of the details, including:

  • Installing and maintaining the hive
  • Winterizing the hive
  • Harvesting the honey
  • Pride of contributing to a healthy ecosystem through pollination services

Beehive in urban environmentBeekeeper checking the hiveHoney bee in flower

The benefits go far beyond the honey. By partnering with Butterfly Pavilion to host a hive, you’re providing a benefit for the entire community. Pollinators are essential for all life. Especially for anyone who wants to grow flowers, gardens, landscaping, and more. Pollinators face declines in population, due to habitat loss, pesticides, and other reasons. Hosting a hive impacts the community far beyond your property. You provide pollination for neighbors all around as well as contributing to a healthy ecosystem. Something the entire neighborhood can celebrate.