Pollinator Resources

Want to protect pollinators but not sure how to get started? The resources below provide tips, plant lists, and more so that you can create your own pollinator sanctuary.

Create A Butterfly Garden!

Make a garden that butterflies will love! You can get our guide to creating a butterfly garden that helps bees and other pollinators. Pick a spot, find out about butterflies in your area, plan how to make a butterfly home, and more!

Low Water Native Plants for Pollinators

You can help our native pollinators – Even if you’re a gardener! A garden that supports pollinators doesn’t just give them food like nectar and pollen. It also provides places for them to nest and grow, with host plants for them to lay eggs. When the eggs hatch, the host plant’s leaves are the first meal for the baby pollinators.

Habitat-Friendly Landscape Maintenance Guidelines

A guide to using Habitat Friendly landscape maintenance practices to help preserve ecosystems and create habitat for native insect pollinators, birds, and other wildlife in urban and suburban environments.

Insects and Birds

Explore the crucial role insects play in bird survival, from sustaining migratory birds and feeding chicks to boosting plant pollination. This is your opportunity to gain a new appreciation for insects and learn how you can support their survival—and ultimately, the survival of birds!

National Resources

BudBurst – Record plant life cycles to learn about climate change (https://budburst.org/)

Great Sunflower Project – Observe visitors to sunflowers (https://www.greatsunflower.org/)

Bumblebee Watch – Submit sightings of bumblebees (https://www.bumblebeewatch.org/)

Journey North – Track seasonal migrations (https://www.bumblebeewatch.org/)

Monarch Watch – Tag migrating monarch butterflies (https://monarchwatch.org/tagging/)

Monarch Larva Monitoring Program (MLMP)/ – Find monarch butterfly larvae on milkweed (https://monarchjointventure.org/mlmp)

Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program – Track monarchs throughout their life cycle (https://monarchjointventure.org/mjvprograms/science/immp)