Professional Services
Butterfly Pavilion’s Professional Services bring decades of experience and scientific expertise directly to your home or business to create customized, thriving, and sustainable spaces and solutions.

Beehive Rental and Management
Experience everything from joy to relaxation to satisfaction by establishing healthy honeybee populations at your home or office. Let Butterfly Pavilion handle all the details of installing and maintaining the hive, ensuring bees’ health, winterizing the hive and harvesting the honey. Foster your own happiness and well-being while contributing to a thriving ecosystem for all of us: bees from your hive will contribute essential pollination services to your community and make a positive impact on environmental sustainability.
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Scientific Talks from our Speaker’s Bureau
Explore the fascinating lives of bees, pollination and backyard beekeeping. Learn how to design and foster a thriving aquatic environment indoors. Discover how to develop a stunning garden that attracts butterflies, bees and other essential invertebrates. Our scientists can speak on a range of topics that will help you explore the wonders of animals, habitats and how you can engage in their care and conservation.
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