Kids, Ages 5-12, Nature Camps at Butterfly Pavilion

Procedures and Policies

This manual may be changed at any time upon the discretion of Butterfly Pavilion. Changes in services, policies or procedures will result in a notification of parents or guardians through email, letter, or phone.

Butterfly Pavilion Summer Camps can directly be reached at 720-531-9377. A message may be left for camp staff to check at any point during the camp day. Alternatively, this phone number is regularly answered at the Butterfly Pavilion: 303-469-5441 by Guest
Services staff. A direct line to the Director is 720-974-1877.

Butterfly Pavilion Mission
Butterfly Pavilion exists to foster an appreciation of invertebrates by educating the public about the need to protect and care for threatened habitats globally, while conducting research for solutions in invertebrate conservation.

1. Purpose and Philosophy on Child Care
Butterfly Pavilion Camps are intended to be an educational alternative to typical childcare. Children who enroll will receive the highest level of care but will also be enriched by numerous activities related to nature and the invertebrate world.

Butterfly Pavilion camps will provide an experience that is engaging, fun, and sparks curiosity for invertebrates and the environment around us. These camps will be driven by fun, adventure, science, and caring – to create an atmosphere which will allow campers to grow and immerse themselves in every topic.

Butterfly Pavilion camps will provide hands-on opportunities for children to interact with the invertebrate world. Through the various activities each week, students will obtain an increased awareness of invertebrates with the aim to foster an appreciation of butterflies and other invertebrates and the need for conservation of threatened habitats in the tropics and around the world.

Children enrolled at Butterfly Pavilion camps will be treated with the highest level of respect, nurtured in their growth, viewed as equals to one another and be provided ways to express their individual passions, knowledge, curiosity, and creativity.

2. Ages of Children Accepted
These camps are intended for children ages 5-12. Our childcare license allows for children that are four years old that have been in a childcare setting before to attend camps as kindergarten building blocks. Our license allows us to have programs for children up to age 16, but we choose to cater our camps to 5-12.

3. Services for Special Needs Children
Butterfly Pavilion will make its best effort to accommodate children with special needs and integrate the child with his/her peers who do not have disabilities. Our buildings, trails and program sites are accessible. Individual requirements would need to be assessed for staffing needs and accessibility.

Sign language interpreters may be obtained with adequate notice. Butterfly Pavilion will comply with the non-discrimination provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended and its implementing regulation, Title 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 80; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 as amended and its implementing regulation, Title 45 CFR, part 91; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended and its implementing regulation, Title 45 CFR, Part 84. We will also comply with Titles I through V of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended and its implementing regulation, Title 29 CFR, part 1630.

Decisions related to the enrollment, placement, or dismissal of a child with a disability or chronic condition will follow the Americans with Disabilities Act. A lack of independent ambulation or the need for assistance in feeding, toileting, or dressing or in other areas of self-care will not be used as sole criteria for enrollment or placement or denial of enrollment or denial of placement.

4. Hours of Operation, Special Activities, and Holidays
Butterfly Pavilion as a business is open 7 days a week from 9:00-5:00pm. The building is closed Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Butterfly Pavilion Camps will run on designated Monday-Fridays throughout the year. Summer Camp offerings are currently scheduled during the months of June, July, and August. Additional weeks may be offered at the discretion of the camp director. Camps typically run either from 9:00-12:00 or 9:00-4:00 pm. Parents will have a 15-minute window before and after each program in which to drop off and pick up their children, unless pre-registered for early drop off (8:00 am – 8:45 am) or late pick-up (4:15 – 5:00 pm).

5. Severe Weather Policy
Provisions will be made for indoor activities at our various classroom sites (Classrooms A, B) in case of inclement weather and excessively hot weather. Shade, access to water and indoor activities will be provided during hot weather. Children are encouraged to bring appropriate clothes (including hats, rain jackets, and closed toe shoes) and a water bottle. Program leaders are equipped with a radio that they will use to communicate with the camp director while both indoors and outside along the Nature Trail. A weather radio will be used to monitor weather during camp hours and to make decisions regarding appropriate activities for the conditions.

The Director and Coordinator will monitor weather status and notify staff of any Tornado Watch or Warning. In the event of a tornado watch, or local sirens sounding, all staff will be notified and will move children near the specified areas of safety. In the event of a tornado warning or a spotted tornado, all staff will be notified via Building PA system. Staff will then immediately take children to the nearest area of safety. Areas of safety include Classroom B, kitchen, or Volunteer and Staff Break room. If caught outside and areas of safety cannot be reached, staff will lead children to the nearest low-lying area. Staff and children will remain in safety until an all clear is sounded.

Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather, the same procedures for tornadoes will be followed.

6. Admission and Registration of Children
Registration is officially secured when Butterfly Pavilion receives the completed registration forms, along with full payment (check, cash, or credit card) for each session. Children will be admitted to camp at their designated session only after all required forms have been submitted and the parents or guardian has been given a copy of the policies and procedures.

7. Fee Schedule
Fees for camp sessions vary depending on the program for which a child has enrolled and the family’s status as a member of Butterfly Pavilion. Fees are subject to change based on new program offerings.

Camp Dates and Fees can be found in this location:

Cancellations & Refunds:
Cancellations with at least 5 business days’ notice will be charged a 10% processing fee, and remainder of cost will be refunded to customer.
A transfer may be made to a different camp at no charge to the customer if 5 days’ notice is given. No refund is given for cancellation with less than 5 business days’ notice. A refund or credit will not be issued if a child is sick and misses camp. A full refund will be given to the customer if the Butterfly Pavilion cancels a camp for any reason.

8. Locating Children
For security purposes, a sign-out sheet for parents and guardians will be maintained daily for the camp.
It will include for each child in camp:
• Date
• Child’s name
• Any comments and specific pick-up or drop-off information

Staff will verify attendance throughout the day.

The whereabouts of children will be determined by a posted schedule at the camp headquarters/classroom. Groups that are away from the building will be reached via cell phone or radio. Children will always be accompanied by camp staff.

9. Discipline and Conduct
Parents shall advise camp staff of any unusual disciplinary issues of their children through their registration information. Campers are expected to adhere to appropriate behavior guidelines, which will be discussed at the beginning of the day by camp educators. Campers are expected to be responsible for their words and actions, be respectful of others, and follow directions from staff members. Campers shall leave all electronic devices at home such as iPods, handheld computer games, MP3 players, and cell phones. (A parent/guardian must seek permission from the camp director for the camper to be able to carry a cell phone for emergencies).

The following behaviors are prohibited from children attending camp:
• Endangering the health and safety of themselves, other campers, and/or staff or volunteers.
• Stealing, damaging, or failing to care for Butterfly Pavilion or personal property.
• Continual disruption of the program.
• Refusal to follow the behavior guidelines.
• Inappropriate physical contact.
• Using profanity or inappropriate language or displaying clothing or other personal items with offensive content.
• Bullying or acts of aggression or violence.
• Possession or use of illegal substances, tobacco, or alcohol.
• Possession of weapons – any object that may cause harm to another or place another person in fear of his/her safety, may be considered a weapon.

The following steps will be taken for failure to follow these behavior guidelines:
• Camp staff will redirect the camper to a more appropriate behavior.
• The camper will be reminded of the behavior guidelines.
• If the behavior persists, staff will discuss the problem with a parent/guardian.
• The staff will document the situation. The written documents will include what the behavior problem is, what provoked the problem, and the corrective action taken.
• If the problem persists to the point where a second phone call becomes necessary, the Camp Director may find it necessary to have the camper picked up early from camp.
• If a camper’s behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of him/her, other campers, or staff, the parent/guardian will be notified and expected to pick-up the child immediately.

Praise for appropriate behavior will help to reinforce those actions. Discipline will be appropriate and constructive or educational in nature, and may include such measures as diversion, withholding privileges, separation of the child from problem situations, and talking with the child about the situation.

Children will not be subjected to physical or emotional harm or humiliation.

The director will not use or permit a staff person or child to use corporal or other harsh punishment, including but not limited to pinching, shaking, spanking, punching, biting, kicking, rough handling, hair pulling, or any humiliating or frightening method of discipline.

Discipline will not be associated with food, rest, or toileting. No child will be punished for toileting accidents. Food will not be denied to or forced upon a child as a disciplinary measure.

Separation, when used as discipline, will be brief and appropriate for the child’s age and circumstances. The child will be in a safe, lighted, well-ventilated area and be within hearing and vision of a staff member. The child will not be isolated in a locked room, bathroom, closet, or pantry. If separation and a one-on-one discussion with a counselor does not improve the situation, after fifteen minutes the camp director will be called on the radio and informed of the situation. After this point, a decision will be made if the camper’s appointed adult should be called to pick up the child from camp.

Verbal abuse and derogatory remarks about the child are not permitted.

Authority to discipline will not be delegated to other children, and the camp will not sanction one child punishing another child.

10. Children’s Illnesses, Accidents, and Injuries and Notification of Parents
Written authorization for emergency medical care will be kept in the child’s file. Each parent will also provide phone numbers where they and their child’s primary physician can be reached.

Emergency telephone numbers will be posted at each permanent site and kept by each child’s primary camp counselor. In addition to parental phone numbers and child’s primary care physician, numbers will include 911 for ambulance, police, rescue unit, and fire; the clinic or hospital nearest to the camp; the health department and Rocky Mountain Poison Control.

In case of emergency, illness, or injury; staff will evaluate the child(ren) to determine what sort of
medical care is needed. Staff may take any of the following steps depending on the severity of the injury
or illness:
1. Call 911.
2. Transport the child via ambulance to the nearest medical facility unless otherwise requested by
the parent.
3. Provide on-site first-aid.
4. Contact parents.

Parents will be notified immediately in case of illness or injury.

Within 48 hours following the accident or illness, camp staff will report in writing to the Department of Human Services any accident or illness occurring at the center that resulted in medical treatment by a physician or other health care professional, hospitalization, or death. They will also complete a Butterfly Pavilion Accident Form. Reporting forms are kept in the administrative office.

When children show signs of severe or communicable illness, they will be separated from other children, the parent(s) or guardian(s) will be notified, and a doctor or medical facility will be consulted as needed regarding treatment.

Staff members with a communicable illness will not be permitted to work or have contact with children or other staff members if the illness could be readily transmitted during normal working activities.

Camp will report to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment or its local unit any communicable illness, including but not limited to measles, mumps, diphtheria, rubella, tuberculosis, shigella, hepatitis, meningitis, salmonella, and giardia, contracted by a staff member or a child in care at the center. Children’s confidentiality will be maintained.

A medical log will be maintained at the center in which is recorded the name of the child and date of
instances of at least the following:
• Administration of first aid
• Illness of the child while attending the center
• Accident requiring the child to receive medical attention
• Administration of any medication to a child

11. Emergencies
All staff members will be trained in the following procedures. The following plans will always accompany staff members. Butterfly Pavilion staff will always follow procedures listed in Butterfly Pavilion’s Emergency Preparedness Plan. This plan can be made available upon request.

Lost Child
In case children are lost and cannot be found in adjacent restrooms and activity areas, the sign-out sheet will be checked, and the administration office will be notified. One staff member will be sent to secure any entries or exits. Butterfly Pavilion staff members will be notified of the child’s appearance and be asked to assist in locating the child. Available staff members (those without children in their care) will conduct a sweep of the grounds. If the child is not located, a call to 911 will be placed.

The camp will submit a written report to the Department within 48 hours about any child who has been lost from the center and for whom the local authorities have been contacted. Such report must indicate:
– The name, birth date, address, and telephone number of the child
– The names of the parents or guardians and their address and telephone number if
different from those of the child
– The date when the child was lost
– The location, time, and circumstances when the child was last seen
– Actions taken to locate the child
– The name of the staff person supervising the child

All staff will be trained in fire detection and fire protocol. In case a fire is detected, or a fire alarm is sounded, protocol listed in Butterfly Pavilion’s Emergency Preparedness Plan will be followed.

12. Transporting Children
Children may be transported in ambulances in case of emergency. Off-site field trips requiring vehicles will not be conducted.

13. Supervision of Special Activities
All activities will be conducted on site at Butterfly Pavilion or in the adjacent Big Dry Creek Open Space. Children will always be supervised.

There will be at least one program leader providing supervision with each group of 15 or fewer children cared for by the camp. There will be at least 1 staff member for each 15 children in attendance. At any time when 15 or more children are present at camp, there will be at least 1 program leader and another responsible person at least 16 years of age on the premises. When 15 or fewer children are present, there will be at least 1 program leader on duty and a second staff member on call and immediately available in an emergency. Either the Camp Director or Camp Counselors with the support of appointed Education Leadership staff will be always on-site during camp duration.

13. a. 7.712.63B Media and Internet Usage Plan
Media (including videos, clips, music, and games) will be viewed only when accompanying the activities that the children will engage in as a part of the camp program. Videos will be of an educational nature. All media that children are exposed to must not contain explicit language or topics. All television, recorded media, computer, tablet, cell phones, video games and other media devices are prohibited during snack or mealtimes. Media may be viewed by camps as an educational addition to programming and as a complement to free and quiet times. Information and communication with children about safe online practices will be discussed, and best practices for informational research will be shared. Media-based interactives in the exhibits may be utilized. Media will never be used to replace quality instruction time. Parents who do to wish their child to see or interact with media may contact the Program Director at any time and an alternate plan may be devised.

14. Authorization for Releasing Children
Each child will have on record a list of parents and/or guardians for whom children can be released to. Also on file is a list of additional people (other than parent or guardians) to whom the child can be released. Children will be released from camp only to persons for whom the camp has written authorization per the above files.

If an individual who is not authorized for release attempts to pick the child up, they will be refused, and the signed release authorization provided to them. If the individual attempts to take the child or causes a disturbance, 911 will be called immediately.

If an individual who staff does not know attempts to pick up a child, identification must be provided by the individual and matched to the child’s files for adults who have authorized release.

15. Late Pick-Up of Children
The end of the session occurs at 4:00pm for full day camp, and 12:00pm for half day camp. Parents will be requested to pick their children up within 15 minutes of the program end. Early drop-off begins at 8:00am and late pick up ends at 5:00pm. Both options add on a $10 charge per session per day. If a parent is more than 15 minutes late picking up their child, they will be charged this fee. This will be
noted by camp staff, communicated to parents, and the Camp Director or Camp Coordinator will send a payment link via email to the parent.

After 15 minutes have passed since the end of the regular camp day, staff will phone parents of the children. If a child is signed up for late care and is not picked up by 5:00 pm, staff will phone parents of the child. A message will be left if they are not reached. After 30 minutes, if parents are not reached in person, the authorized emergency contact will then be called to pick up the child. In an emergency, the
child may also be released to an adult for whom the child’s parent or guardian has given verbal authorization. If the staff member who releases the child does not know the adult, identification will be required to assure that the adult is authorized to pick up the child.

The Butterfly Pavilion will close at 5:00 p.m. If children are not picked up by 5:30 p.m. and no provisions have been secured with the parents or their authorized emergency contacts, the Westminster Police Department office will be contacted, and the camp staff will release the children to them.

The sign-out sheet will be checked periodically against children present throughout the day to ensure the whereabouts of the children. Camp staff will follow up on any inconsistencies of this list with the actual number of campers present.

At the end of any camp, staff members will reference sign-in/out sheet and ensure that all children participating that day have left.

16. Late Arrivals
Camp begins at 9:00am. If children arrive after the start of the program and the camp group is no longer in the camp room, parents will need to take the child to Administrative Office East. Here they will meet an office staff member, who will help the parent and child get signed in and connect the child to the group.

17. Children’s Medicines
Prescriptive and non-prescriptive medication for eyes and ears, all oral medication, medication for lacerations or severe burns, and individual special medical procedures can be provided only on written order or a prescription from a physician to the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s), or to the camp, with knowledge and written consent of the parent(s) or guardian(s). A health plan and medical authorization
form will be completed and submitted to Butterfly Pavilion prior to camp, discussed by trained camp staff with the parent(s) or guardian(s), and filed in the appropriate binder.

Medication will be kept in the original container. Prescription medicine containers must bear the original pharmacy label that shows the prescription number, name of medication, date filled, physician’s name, child’s name, and directions for dosage. When no longer needed, medications will be returned to parents or guardians, or destroyed.

Medication will be dispensed, and a record made only by persons trained in first aid and medication administration. Staff will be trained prior to administering medication to any child. Medication administration training will include:
• Procedures for recording administration information
• Administering medications consistent with physician and pharmacy requirements
• Measurement of correct dosages

The written record of medication administered will include the child’s name, the date and time the medication was administered, the name and dosage of the medication, and the name or initials of the staff person who administered it. The medication log will be kept on file in the camp office.

All medicines and drugs will be kept in a storage area inaccessible to children and according to pharmacy instructions. Medicines will never be allowed to encounter food.

Butterfly Pavilion suggests that all necessary medications be administered to the child at home (before or after the camp session) when possible. When this is not possible, we will work with the caregiver to create a plan to address the needs of that child. Butterfly Pavilion holds itself in compliance with both the Colorado Nurse Practice Act and the American with Disabilities Act.

18. Personal Belongings
Children will be allowed to either leave their personal belongings (in a bag or backpack) in the classroom space the camp is utilizing or be carried with them. There will be no need for the children to carry money to camp. Children should leave all toys, stuffed animals, phones, cameras, switches, smartwatches, games, or other technology at home. Books are permitted and may be brought out during free time or quiet time, at the discretion of camp staff.

19. Meals and Snacks
Snack time will be designated in the morning and afternoon as appropriate to the camp length. Children must bring their own snacks.

If the program falls during the lunch hour (12:00-1:00 p.m.), a lunch break will be taken. Children must provide their own lunch and store it with their personal belongings in their assigned classroom. Parents will be responsible for providing a form of cooling if needed in the lunch.

Butterfly Pavilion is not an allergy-free camp, and campers may bring lunches that include nuts. If a camper has a severe allergy or special dietary restriction, this must be noted in their medical authorization form and appropriate measures to accommodate (like extra cleaning and separation of lunch tables) will occur.

If snacks or lunch have been forgotten, Butterfly Pavilion staff will call the child’s parent or guardian to provide. If a lunch is not able to be provided, Butterfly Pavilion staff unfortunately cannot provide food for the campers.

20. Guests
Butterfly Pavilion Camps have space on-site reserved exclusively for their use (Classroom A and Classroom B). These spaces will be off-limits to the general public. Some activities, particularly the outdoor activities will take place in the same space as used by guests to the Butterfly Pavilion.

Regardless of the location of an activity, visitors or guests will not be allowed to participate with the children unless they have signed in. When in areas of general use, camp staff will pay close attention to the whereabouts of the children to make sure they stay with the group and do not wander off.

When a guest arrives, they will need to check in with the administrative office and provide identification if they are unknown to office staff. Office staff will call the appropriate staff to let them know a visitor is coming.

Parents or guardians are not permitted to stay throughout the duration of the camp unless there is a medical reason stated on their form and the camp director is notified at least one week ahead of time. This is to preserve the child-like nature of camp and allow campers to extend their learning and growing beyond the home.

21. Filing a Complaint about Child Care
To file a complaint about childcare at Butterfly Pavilion camps, should you suspect licensing violations, please contact the Colorado Department of Human Services, 1575 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203-1714, (303) 866-5958.

22. Reporting of Child Abuse
Butterfly Pavilion has zero tolerance for child abuse.

Any camp staff who has reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect or who has observed the child being subjected to circumstances or conditions that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect must immediately report or cause a report to be made of such fact to the county department of social services or local law enforcement agency.

If the suspected child abuse occurred at the childcare facility, the report of suspected child abuse must be made to the Department of Social Services, police department, or other law enforcement agency in Jefferson County.

If the suspected child abuse did not occur at camp, the report of suspected child abuse must be made to the county department of social services in the county in which the child resides or to the local law enforcement agency in the community in which the incident is believed to have occurred.

At the time of admission, the facility must give the child’s parent or guardian information that explains how to report suspected child abuse or child neglect.

If a staff member is suspected of child abuse, they will be immediately removed from providing care to children and the suspected abuse will be immediately reported to the Social Services, police department, or other law enforcement agency in Jefferson County. Additionally, the suspected abuse will be reported to the CEO at Butterfly Pavilion. Throughout the investigation, the staff member will have no contact with children at Butterfly Pavilion. Based upon the results of an investigation into the situation, action will be taken which management feels is appropriate, up to and including termination of employment.

Each staff member of the camp will read and sign a statement clearly defining child abuse and neglect pursuant to state law and outlining the staff member’s personal responsibility to report all incidents of child abuse or neglect according to state law.

23. Notification of Termination of Camp or Parents’ Withdrawal of Children from the Camp
Should the camp need to terminate operations, parents or guardians will be notified by email and phone. If parents should withdraw their children from before or during camp, they will be asked to give the camp written notification (email) ahead of time.

Cancellations with at least 5 business days’ notice will be charged a 10% processing fee, and remainder of cost will be refunded to customer. No refund is given for cancellation with less than 5 business days’ notice. A full refund will be given to the customer if the Butterfly Pavilion cancels a camp for any reason