Pollinator Gardening Bootcamp 2025

Pollinator Gardening Bootcamp 2025

Transform Outdoor Spaces into Pollinator Havens

Join Butterfly Pavilion’s Pollinator Gardening Bootcamp to gain the knowledge and skills needed to create thriving habitats for pollinators. You can pick and choose the workshops that interest you most—or register for all five workshops as a bundle to unlock savings!

Through this engaging series, you’ll enjoy:

  • Educational lectures
  • Hands-on outdoor activities
  • Interactive learning with gardening enthusiasts and expert horticulturists

Whether you’re new to pollinators or an experienced gardener, you’ll leave empowered to make a positive impact on your home, community, and environment.

Earn Your Certification as a Butterfly Pavilion Habitat Gardener!

Complete our five-class Pollinator Gardening Bootcamp to become a certified habitat gardener with Butterfly Pavilion. Upon finishing the full series, you’ll receive an official certificate at your final course, recognizing your commitment to creating pollinator-friendly habitats!

2025 Workshop Schedule

Sunday, February 23 – Pollinator Gardening 101

🕙 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Overview: Learn why pollinators matter and how your garden can support their survival through intentional plant choices and sustainable practices.

Sunday, March 30 – Plants for Pollinators

🕙 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Overview: Discover plant species that pollinators need most and learn how to choose the right plants for your space.

Sunday, April 27 – Pollinator Garden Design

🕘 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Overview: Design your dream pollinator garden! Explore design principles that appeal to both insects and humans.

Sunday, May 18 – Garden Preparation & Planting

🕙 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Overview: Learn practical installation tips—covering soil health, irrigation, ground cover, and planting techniques.

Sunday, July 27 – Garden Maintenance & Care

🕙 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Overview: Maintain a self-sustaining garden with tips on watering, pruning, pest control, and embracing the beauty of “messy” spaces.


Members: $35 per workshop

Non-members: $40 per workshop

Bulk Pricing – Bundle and Save!

Bundle all five workshops to save on registration fees!

Members: $140 (save $35)

Non-members: $160 (save $40)

Meet the instructor:

Ashley White is Butterfly Pavilion’s Community Habitats Manager, and a member of the horticulture team since 2017. Her education and background primarily focus on Horticulture and, according to Ashley, “nature nerdom”, mingled with art and creative pursuits. She’s passionate about connecting people to healthy outdoor spaces and transformative experiences with wildlife. Ashley leads and supports many of Butterfly Pavilion’s habitat-building and community science projects: Urban Prairies Project, Healthy Habitats Gardening Program, and more.

Register now!